Supporting the beauty of our skin with liposomes

We are not revealing a big secret when we say; everyone wants healthy and beautiful skin . Beautiful and well-groomed skin not only makes us look younger or more attractive, but it also greatly strengthens our self-confidence. But the secret to glowing skin lies not only in external facial care, it is essential to nourish the tissue that protects our body from the inside as well. Although genetics strongly influences what skin diseases we are prone to, how early and to what extent we will become wrinkled or acne-prone, we can still do a lot for the health of our skin with a little attention. Proper nutrition , sufficient fluid intake and a balanced lifestyle all help us achieve the desired skin. In our article, we present the role of liposomal vitamins in nourishing, regenerating and protecting the skin .

Liposomal vitamins for your skin health

Table of contents

Our skin's primary function is to protect us from external influences , but as we age, it may require different types of care. Most people experience acne, blemishes, wrinkles, dehydration, and loss of elasticity in their skin at some point in their lives.

The importance of facial care: Make it a routine!

Everyone has a different skin type, so in order to create the right facial care routine, it is first necessary to determine this. There are oily, dry and combination skin types , which a dermatologist or beautician can easily differentiate, and you can even ask a professional for help with this. After choosing the right products for you, it is essential to start each day with a combination of cleansing, toning and moisturizing . Don't forget to use sunscreen , as this can help your skin stay healthy despite harmful UV radiation . It is worth repeating your morning routine in the evening, with the difference that you use a night moisturizer . As a woman, you should always make sure to remove your makeup at the end of the day with the right cleanser , as without it, your skin cannot rest during the night. It is also advisable to use an exfoliant a few times a week , and in case of any skin problems, a serum suitable for treating them. Mature skin requires special care, but daily moisturizer and sun protection are equally important for those over 40. Additionally, it may be worth using retinoid-containing products to combat wrinkles !

Even though taking care of our skin is not an easy task, with due attention we can quickly achieve spectacular results.

But let's not forget one thing: The beauty of our skin does not depend on the chemicals we apply to it, but rather on our internal health. That's why it's worth paying attention to the internal nutrition of our skin.

Skincare tips for all ages

  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluids (tap water, non-carbonated mineral water, tea) every day to keep your skin hydrated!
  • Find the exercise that suits you and exercise regularly to improve blood flow and skin health!
  • Avoid smoking, as it can cause premature aging and wrinkles, and reduce your alcohol consumption!
  • During the heating season, use a humidifier in your home to prevent your skin from drying out too much!
  • Pay attention to your digestion: without good digestion, there is no lasting health and beautiful skin!
  • Make your diet rich in vitamins and minerals and varied : it is worth consciously choosing foods made with quality nutrients instead of fast food dishes, snacks, and empty calories!

Skin beauty comes from within

Most of us have experienced that quality, high-quality facial care, the most expensive face creams, serums, wraps and the most attractive makeup are useless if that certain inner glow is missing . What is outside is inside, and what is inside is outside, the saying goes; and its truth is indisputable. But what is that inner glow, which we also call radiance, and what are the components of this elusive concept? The good news is that it is actually not so elusive. Inner beauty can depend on quite specific things, which then make our well-groomed external appearance complete and attractive. Health is the key word; after all, beauty and health always go hand in hand .

Valuable substances for the health of our skin

It's no use using the best face creams and facial treatments, if we're not in order on the inside , we can only achieve partial results with skin care ! In addition to a balanced lifestyle and diet, and the use of natural, quality cosmetics, we can also support the beauty and proper nutrition of our skin with other methods. There are valuable vitamins and active ingredients that can contribute to achieving the desired results. We'll show you what they are!

  • Collagen
  • It is well known that collagen is the most well-known and popular substance used to achieve beautiful skin. Collagen-containing products can hydrate and make the skin more elastic, while also reducing wrinkles, which is why the substance is popularly used in the beauty industry. Collagen can be found in the form of creams, serums, foundations, tablets and capsules in pharmacies and drugstores.

    Protecting the skin naturally

  • Fish oil (Omega-3)
  • Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and makes up 75% of the dry weight of the skin. Given that omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the healthy functioning of the skin, their deficiency can have a negative impact on our body and our skin. According to experts, the active ingredient has a beneficial effect on skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and skin ulcers, and omega-3 may also protect against skin cancer. According to some research, fish oil can improve the actual appearance of the skin and help clear up acne. It is worth eating a lot of fish or taking a dietary supplement rich in fish oil!

  • Vitamin C
  • Because vitamin C is essential for collagen production and UV protection, it is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin C can help keep our skin looking fresh and beautiful. Some research suggests that taking vitamin C with collagen and zinc can improve the appearance of skin, including wrinkles and dryness.

  • Green tea
  • Green tea is often used to treat acne-prone skin. A green tea compress can tighten pores and reduce oiliness. It reduces hormone activity in the skin, virtually eliminating inflammation while detoxifying. Researchers have also discovered that green tea may be a solution for psoriasis and dandruff.

  • Blueberry
  • Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that counteract free radicals that damage the skin. Regular consumption can help your skin look younger. Blueberries also contain vitamins A, B and C, as well as the valuable minerals magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper and potassium. These can effectively neutralize free radicals, which are the main causes of sagging and wrinkling of the skin. Blueberries can help with wound healing and relieve discomfort caused by skin irritation.

  • Probiotics
  • Probiotics are commonly recommended to support the gut, which is also very important for healthy skin. Dietary supplements containing probiotics can help restore the balance of healthy gut bacteria, as well as support the treatment of conditions such as dermatitis.

    Liposomal technology

    The biggest advantage of liposomal encapsulation technology is that we enclose vitamins in so-called liposomes, thus ensuring that the loss of valuable substances due to decomposition in the body is as small as possible. When reaching the target cell, the liposome connects with the cell membrane, thus achieving almost 100% bioavailability . With the help of this technology, the burden on other organs, such as the liver, can be greatly reduced.

    Liposomal vitamin for skin protection

    L801 Skin day is a bioactive liposomal dietary supplement that promotes the regeneration of the skin and the entire body. Since our skin is exposed to countless destructive influences every day, it is of utmost importance to protect it effectively. It is essential that skin care is part of our everyday lives. Our product, with the help of 16 herbal extracts, can strengthen and improve the nutrient supply of skin cells, as well as enhance the regeneration ability of old and diseased skin cells. Try the only capsule liposomal vitamin on the market, which has been developed to protect the skin! Shine again, because beautiful and healthy skin is no longer a dream!

    Hungarian beauty queen Tünde Blága also tried our product, with great satisfaction!

    Blága Tünde skinday review

    We recommend its use in the following cases:

    • In case of negative environmental influences on skin cells, such as inappropriate foods, smoking, alcohol consumption, other toxins.
    • For the regeneration of skin, hair and nails. The product can smooth wrinkles and lighten pigment spots.
    • For detoxification purposes: It can help cleanse the kidneys, liver, stomach, and intestinal tract of toxins.
    • For a sporty lifestyle, as it strengthens muscles, ligaments and joints.


    • L-glutamine
    • Liposomal L-cysteine
    • Liposomal L-glutathione
    • Liposomal Vitamin C
    • Liposomal green tea extract
    • Liposomal hesperidin from grapefruit extract
    • Glycine
    • Grape seed extract
    • Liposomal silymarin from milk thistle extract
    • Liposomal Vitamin B3
    • Liposomal curcumin from turmeric extract
    • Zinc citrate
    • Black pepper extract
    • Liposomal Vitamin E
    • Liposomal Vitamin B5
    • Liposomal Vitamin D3

    Valuable vitamins and herbs, such as L-glutamine, vitamin C or green tea extract, all promote skin regeneration processes.

    Beautiful and healthy skin

    Liposomal women's beauty package

    Our women's beauty selection includes 3 liposomal dietary supplements that contribute valuable vitamins and herbs to maintaining women's health. In addition to the L801 Skin Day liposomal dietary supplement containing 16 herbal extracts, we have selected two other products for our women's package.

    O252 Life Factor is a complex liposomal dietary supplement containing 13 different vitamins, which with Omega 3, trace elements and minerals helps the immune system function and general health. The product is especially worth using during pregnancy, as vitamins A, B, C, D and E, zinc, magnesium and iron have a positive effect on the health of both the baby and the mother.

    Glutathione 50 liposomal vitamin has anti-inflammatory, cell-protective effects and supports the body's defenses. It is worth taking for detoxification and prevention of chronic diseases. Its component, L-glutathione, improves the functioning of the immune system, protects the nervous system, and increases the body's resistance to infections. Its additional effects include accelerating recovery from diseases and increasing the body's energy level and vitality.

    Nature's most precious treasures, vitamins and modern technology, combine to make Supreme Pharmatech capsules great. We have selected the essential protectors of our body's health in our immune-boosting preparations. Lovers of natural ingredients and vitamins will also find a capsule to their liking.

    Choose the innovative solution of liposomal technology, available in allergen-free, vegan, recycled packaging! Order from Supreme Pharmatech today!


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