Treating male infertility with vitamins, naturally

When most people hear the word infertility, they probably immediately think of a problem affecting women . However, in more than half of the cases, the male body is responsible for the failure to conceive. Moreover, the complaint is extremely common , with 1 in 6 couples in Hungary struggling with infertility. The background to male infertility may be the inability to have intercourse or the actual inability to conceive . In our article, we will go over the problem of male infertility, its possible causes and signs, and we will also introduce a few natural remedies that can help you overcome male infertility and infertility !

Male infertility

Table of contents

What is infertility?
Conditions for getting pregnant
Causes of male infertility
Lifestyle-related fertility problems
Investigation of male infertility
Vitamins against male infertility
How liposomal vitamins work and their benefits

    What is infertility?

    Infertility is a condition in which conception does not occur even after regular, unprotected sexual intercourse . In order for a partner to become pregnant, a number of factors must come together, so we cannot speak of infertility after just one act. Medically, it is worth starting to deal with the problem if a child has not been conceived after a year of continuous attempts .

    However, there is no need to despair in this case either , the underlying causes can often be revealed and thus treated . However, this does not always happen immediately, and the cause may be a separate or even joint problem of either party, so it is worth starting the examination of the man and the woman at the same time .

    Conditions for getting pregnant

    Lifestyle changes account for 50% of male infertility . This is bad news because more and more people are affected. However, it also means that in most cases the problem can be corrected by lifestyle changes . Genetic infertility is less common in men than in women, but it still occurs.

    The growing problem of male infertility is directly related to the deterioration of sperm count . In the past three decades, the sperm count in men has fallen from 73 million per milliliter to 31 million. This is far from ideal, but it does not in itself mean infertility. A chronically low sperm count is 15 million per milliliter or less. To get your partner pregnant, you need to:

    • Your body needs to produce healthy sperm. This requires the male reproductive organs to be properly developed, at least one testicle to function properly, and the body to produce enough of certain hormones (such as testosterone) to initiate and maintain sperm production.
    • The sperm must make it into the semen. Somewhere along the way, the cells needed for fertilization may get lost.
    • You need the right amount and quality of sperm. If the sperm count is low or they are unable to reach the egg, your partner will also not get pregnant.

    Of course, these are just the requirements from the male side. There are also many things that need to happen in the female body to provide the sperm with ideal conditions for conception.

    Causes of male infertility

    In ⅔ of cases, reduced fertility is due to sperm production disorders . This can be caused by various infections, heat exposure (such as frequently holding a laptop on your lap, sauna, jacuzzi), medication side effects, or even a chronic vitamin deficiency.

    • Male infertility due to sperm discharge disorders. In 15% of cases, some kind of seminal duct obstruction prevents the proper discharge of the active ingredient.
    • Anti-sperm antibodies. In 6% of infertility cases, antibodies attack sperm because they mistakenly consider them harmful and try to get rid of them.
    • Hormonal imbalances : It is possible for the pituitary gland to not send the right information to the testicles to produce sperm. However, this is quite rare.
    • Sexual problems. In the case of inadequate ejaculation or erection, it may be possible that the man is physically unable to deliver the sperm to the egg. It is a banal case that many people may not even think about, but the meeting of the sperm and the egg is an indispensable step in fertilization. Thus, a man who is unable to deliver the sperm to the destination can also be called infertile. We have previously written in more detail about erectile dysfunction and its treatment methods .
    • Unknown causes. Unfortunately, even today, doctors are unable to determine the cause of male infertility. Numerous studies are being conducted on the problem, and researchers are constantly working to reduce the number of undetected cases.

    Although rare, genetically inherited infertility also occurs. Certain diseases, previous surgeries, developmental disorders during puberty, infections, trauma to the testicles, or frequent exposure to high heat (laptops, saunas, hot baths, jacuzzis) can also cause infertility, even if it is temporary.

    Causes of male infertility

    There are rarely any noticeable signs of male infertility, unless there are erectile dysfunction or a noticeably small amount of ejaculate in the background. The disorder can also be present with normal sexual intercourse and ejaculation. If pregnancy does not occur even after one year of regular attempts, as mentioned earlier, it is worth seeing a specialist or starting one of the treatments detailed later.

    Lifestyle-related fertility problems

    The chances of successful fertilization are greatly increased if both partners lead a healthy lifestyle. In the case of men, the most common causes of infertility are smoking, regular use of alcohol, various mind-altering drugs, and being overweight.

    The changed lifestyle also includes increasing oxidative stress, altered eating habits, and decreasing food quality. As a result, micronutrient, antioxidant, and vitamin deficiencies may occur, which can be directly linked to decreased fertility.

    Investigation of male infertility

    Andrology is a branch of medicine that deals with the investigation of male infertility . The process itself is simple, primarily taking a sample of sperm, making the process less invasive than in the case of women.

    The diagnosis begins with a medical history and physical examination, which can be performed by a family doctor, but is more often performed by an andrologist. The process is painless. It may be necessary to supplement the sperm analysis with other tests, such as hormone testing, genetic testing, ultrasound or X-ray. Treatment of male infertility is curable in many cases.

    You should see a doctor if you are unable to get your partner pregnant after a year of continuous trying, or if you experience the following:

  • Low sexual desire or problems in bed.
  • Pain, swelling, or a lump around the groin.
  • Previous testicular, prostate, or sexual problems. Possibly previous surgery on or around the testicles.
  • It is also worth consulting a specialist if the partner is over 35 years old, because although fertilization is not impossible at all in this case, it often requires a more conscious approach.
  • As soon as the possibility of male infertility or reduced fertility arises, it is recommended to take certain micronutrients. These include L-carnitine, L-arginine, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, zinc, folic acid, glutathione, and selenium.

    The good news is that there are many products available that have been specifically developed to treat infertility problems.

    Vitamins against male infertility

    Various vitamin preparations are available to support male potency. The liposomal EREXPER preparation normalizes hormone levels with 10 herbal extracts, reduces fatigue, and may also have an immune-boosting effect.

    The product can improve the quality of life not only in cases of infertility problems. It may also be worth trying if you have erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, and it also improves the quality and quantity of sperm.

    The combination of herbs and vitamins in it also has many other beneficial effects. Cordyceps extract, for example, has a long tradition in Chinese medicine. The mushroom is ground into a powder and brewed as a tea, primarily used to re-energize the patient after a long illness. However, the herb greatly contributes to the proper functioning and strengthening of the lungs and kidneys, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The beneficial effects of Korean ginseng, which is also found in the product, could be listed for a long time. It enhances mental performance, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, and can also help combat asthma, impotence, and digestive disorders.

    This unique liposomal preparation on the market greatly contributes to reproductive health. It improves the oxygen supply of the entire body and the blood supply to the genitals.

    It is also worth exploring the liposomal Aspermin dietary supplement. The product contains several valuable active ingredients, the lack of which plays a significant role in the development of infertility problems. Among its 15 active ingredients are L-glutathione, zinc citrate (organic zinc), and selenium. It also contains vitamins B6, B9, E, and C. Consumption of the product stimulates the healthy formation of sperm cells and blood circulation in the male genital organs. It increases the effectiveness of treatments used against infertility.

    Treating male infertility naturally

    It also greatly improves our general health and well-being, reducing fatigue and irritability. It stimulates mental and physical performance. It normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the immune system.

    Our products are allergen-, gluten-, soy-, dairy-, lactose- and GMO-free. Their packaging is recyclable.

    How liposomal vitamins work and their benefits

    What distinguishes liposomal vitamins from their traditional counterparts, what advantages do they have?

    The liposomal vitamin

    Liposomal vitamins get their name from a process technology that encapsulates vitamins in liposomes, which are small, spherical molecules protected by a shell of natural material.

    Liposomes are artificially produced in a laboratory. During the process, we create tiny, 20-30 nm spherical systems. The outer shell protects the active ingredient from premature absorption, so we can deliver more valuable vitamins to different parts of our body.

    Advantages of liposomal vitamins over their traditional counterparts

    Most of the advantages of the technology are due to the efficiency already mentioned above. 95-98% of the liposomal vitamin is incorporated into the body, compared to the traditional 15-20%. Since the vitamin does not start to be absorbed immediately, but exerts its effect upon reaching the target area, we can achieve the same effect with a much smaller amount. In addition, the processing does not put extra stress on other organs of our body, such as the kidneys.

    The technology is not exactly new, the process was experimented with as early as the 1970s, and thanks to technological advances, it now works with a stable formula. The popularity of liposomal preparations is constantly growing, and they are now important players in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. In addition, the prices are favorable, since thanks to the efficiency, a smaller amount of active ingredient achieves the same effect, so you don't have to consume as much of them as in the case of their traditional counterparts.

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