Let's talk honestly about erectile dysfunction: There is a solution!

Erectile dysfunction - as surprising as it may be - is not just a disease of the elderly . The problem affects 4-10% of men under the age of 40, and can cause serious self-esteem problems or even depression for the sufferer. We can talk about erectile dysfunction when the erection is not enough to start or finish intercourse, so the person cannot have a sexual act . There can be medical and psychological reasons behind such complaints . In our article, we have brought the possible causes, symptoms and natural treatment methods.

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What do we mean by erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is when a man is permanently unable to achieve and maintain an erection necessary for sexual intercourse over a prolonged period of time .

We speak of impotence when erectile dysfunction not only hinders, but even makes it impossible to have sexual intercourse . Medical science distinguishes between the inability to reproduce (impotence generandi) and the inability to ejaculate (impotence ejaculandi).

The extent of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be classified into 4 groups according to the severity of the problem. If an erection is always achieved and the man is able to maintain it, then there is no erectile dysfunction. In cases where the disorders occur rarely and intercourse is mostly successful, we speak of mild erectile dysfunction. If the man is only able to achieve a proper erection occasionally, the problem is called moderate dysfunction, and severe dysfunction is the phenomenon when the man is not able to achieve or maintain an erection necessary for intercourse at all.

Symptoms and consequences of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can cause a number of psychological problems, in addition to the inability to have sexual intercourse and thus conceive . A drastic decrease in self-confidence, anxiety and depression are common symptoms in men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Given that the disorder can negatively affect mental health, dating and relationships , the problem requires an immediate solution.

Physical and psychological symptoms of conception problems

It is important to consider that erectile dysfunction can have both physical and psychological causes. Let's take a look at the known risk factors.

Physical triggers

  • Erectile dysfunction is more common in people over the age of 50.
  • high blood sugar and diabetes
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • high cholesterol
  • smoking
  • drug use or excessive alcohol consumption
  • taking certain medications (e.g. blood pressure medications, antidepressants)
  • reduced testosterone levels due to obesity
  • lack of exercise

However, erectile dysfunction can also be a sign of serious health problems, so a professional examination is extremely important. The most common diseases that cause erectile dysfunction include various cardiovascular diseases, fat metabolism problems, and diabetes.

Spiritual causes

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • relationship problems
  • stress
  • social conflicts
  • concern about sexual performance

Difficulty getting pregnant: more common than we think

Would you have thought that an average of 1 in 6 couples experiences difficulty getting pregnant - and that in every third case, male potency problems are the cause?

This percentage may surprise you? It's no wonder, as the problem affects many more men than most people would initially believe. However, it is important that if you are experiencing erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, fatigue, or other unpleasant symptoms related to your male potency, you should know that there is a solution to the problem! And it's natural!

How can erectile dysfunction and conception problems be treated?

The treatment of erectile dysfunction, similar to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, begins with recognizing the risk factors and changing your lifestyle . To reveal the root cause of the problem, it is recommended to undergo various tests, which are performed by a urologist or andrologist. If the symptoms do not improve with lifestyle changes, medication and further examinations may be necessary.

The urologist starts the examination with a conversation, so he can get an idea of ​​the problem and possible psychological causes . This is followed by a physical examination, when organic causes are excluded or confirmed with laboratory and ultrasound examinations. If the case is questionable, special examination procedures are used, e.g. to detect spontaneous nocturnal erections and to determine damage to blood vessels and nerves. Since impotence can often be traced back to vascular damage, an internal medicine or even cardiology examination may be necessary to confirm and treat concomitant high blood pressure, vascular stenosis, coronary artery disease, or diabetes .

If there are psychological reasons behind it, they can be effectively treated with psychotherapy, couples therapy, and sex therapy. Prolonged stress increases cortisol levels, which often results in a decrease in testosterone levels. Relaxation, yoga, meditation - whatever form of stress management you choose, you can definitely help your reproductive health!

Libido and reproductive health are closely linked to overall health . Therefore, if you follow a varied diet , exercise regularly , and pay attention to the right quality and quantity of sleep , you can do a lot to improve your male potency.

Top tip: We recommend that you avoid saunas and hot baths during conception , as they reduce the quality of sperm!

Natural remedy for erectile dysfunction

The liposomal vitamin E271 Erexper , developed by Supreme Pharmatech, was created to support male potency. Our product, with its 10 herbal extracts, can normalize male sex hormone levels, reduce fatigue, and also have a mood-enhancing and immune-boosting effect. Whether it is erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, the product helps to overcome the problem, and even provides support in preventing and avoiding these disorders. Although the use of liposomal vitamins is primarily recommended for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, in addition to blood supply to the genitals, it can increase oxygen supply to the entire body, normalize hormone levels, and improve sperm quantity and quality.

Valuable ingredients for healthy male potency

  • Cordyceps extract: Although the mushroom extract is primarily used to energize the body weakened after prolonged illnesses, the substance can also help strengthen lung and kidney function, relieve coughs, and tone the nervous system.
  • Korean Ginseng Extract: Korean ginseng is a herb used to enhance mental performance, reduce stress, and improve physical and mental well-being in old age. Ginseng's antioxidant compounds can also help boost the immune system, and it can also help with impotence and digestive disorders.
  • Liposomal Milk Thistle Extract : Milk thistle is a very popular herb used to improve stamina and body resistance. In addition, its dried root is suitable for relieving symptoms of colds and viral diseases.
  • Liposomal L-cysteine : An amino acid that is essential for the body. Taking vitamins made from it is especially important in old age and for people suffering from certain metabolic disorders.
  • Rehmannia extract : Its valuable substances have a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, can reduce pain and swelling, and improve oxygen levels at night.
  • Chinese Magnolia: The lignans found in this herb are recommended for prostate and colon protection, among other things. Chinese Magnolia may also have antioxidant and enzyme-inhibiting properties.
  • Liposomal hesperidin from grapefruit extract : Hesperidin is a plant-based anti-inflammatory that has vasodilating and antioxidant properties, so it is often used for varicose veins and against atherosclerosis.
  • Zinc Citrate : A mineral that is extremely important for maintaining good health. It plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system and in self-regeneration processes. It can also be effective in wound healing, sexual function, and maintaining skin health.
  • Black pepper extract: In addition to flavoring food, black pepper can also be used for medicinal purposes. Its most important active ingredient is piperine, which has warming, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects, and is also used to relieve rheumatic symptoms.

Help to increase reproductive capacity

N462 Aspermin liposomal capsule, with its 15 valuable herbal extracts, can have a positive effect on sperm quality, thus increasing reproductive functions. Regular consumption of the preparation can stimulate the healthy formation of sperm cells and blood circulation in the male genital organs. It can help increase the effectiveness of treatments used against reproductive disorders (infertility) such as insufficient sperm concentration, decreased sperm motility and absolute number. Its use is recommended in cases of low sperm concentration and small amounts of ejaculate.

Natural ingredients against reproductive disorders

  • Liposomal L-cysteine: An extremely important amino acid, its intake into the body is essential. Consuming vitamins made from it can have a positive effect in the elderly and in people suffering from certain metabolic disorders.
  • Liposomal L-glutathione: This antioxidant is naturally present in the human body, but it is worth paying attention to its replacement. Its presence can delay oxidation and aging processes.
  • Liposomal hesperidin from grapefruit extract: This plant-derived anti-inflammatory has vasodilating and antioxidant properties, so it is often used for varicose veins and against atherosclerosis.
  • Liposomal Vitamin C: Since the human body is unable to produce vitamin C, we must pay attention to the amount we consume through our diet. The vitamin is a major supporter of a healthy immune system.
  • Rehmannia extract: Its active ingredients can strengthen the immune system, reduce blood sugar levels, and improve oxygen levels at night.
  • Siberian ginseng extract: Its use dates back thousands of years. It is used for energizing and reducing inflammation.
  • Korean Ginseng Extract: This herb may enhance mental performance and reduce stress. Ginseng's antioxidant compounds may also help boost the immune system and treat impotence and digestive disorders.
  • Zinc Citrate: It can help the immune system function properly and plays an important role in self-regeneration processes. It can also be effective in wound healing, sexual function, and maintaining skin health.
  • Liposomal Vitamin E: Due to its fat-soluble properties, it can also protect the cell membranes of individual cells, and thanks to its antioxidant effect, it can contribute to the inhibition of aging processes. It can neutralize the effects of harmful free radicals in the body.
  • Black pepper extract: Its main active ingredient is piperine, which has warming, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects and is also used to relieve rheumatic complaints.
  • Quercetin: This naturally occurring substance is used in foods, beverages, and supplements. The powder may be effective in fighting inflammation and energy loss, as well as supporting overall health.
  • Resveratrol: Resveratrol is a compound produced by plants as part of their immune response, protecting them from infection. It is also used medicinally to lower blood sugar levels.

Discover our male power pack and other liposomal vitamins available in allergen-free, vegan, recycled packaging! Order today and forget about erectile and reproductive disorders!





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