How can we strengthen the functioning of our immune system?

Our immune system plays a key role in the healthy functioning of our body. Our body's defense system is a wonderful and complex system : a collection of cells, tissues and organs that, when functioning properly, protect our body from infections and diseases . Our immune system is able to distinguish the body's own cells from pathogens, and can not only recognize but also destroy harmful invaders . In our article, we have brought you the most important information about the functioning of the immune system, the signs of its weakening, natural ways to strengthen it and the positive effects of liposomal vitamins on the body's resistance.

Immune system support

Table of contents

How does the immune system work?

How complex our immune system is is clearly demonstrated by the ability of its cells to communicate and work together . Our body's defense system, by the way, most of the time continues its activities completely unnoticed ; we don't even notice it as it fights off the malignant, defectively structured cells that arise in our bodies by the millions every day. The fight against various bacteria, viruses and fungi is also completely natural and remains unnoticed as long as the immune system can act strongly and effectively. Disease only develops when the immune system weakens and gives up.

What are the signs of a weakened immune system?

  • Increasingly common infections
  • It doesn't matter whether we are plagued by viral or bacterial infections, if we get them frequently, this is one of the surest signs that our immune system is weakened. These infections can be extremely diverse: recurring ear, lung, throat infections, colds, flu, herpes, etc. If we have to visit the doctor more and more often with such infections, and the recovery takes longer than usual, it may indicate a weakened immune system.

  • More difficult wound healing
  • A weakened immune system can also be indicated by the fact that our wounds and minor injuries are more difficult to heal. Healing wounds is a complex task of our immune system: platelets, like a band-aid, solder the damage to the blood vessel wall, while phagocytes clear away foreign substances and dead tissue fragments that have entered the body, and then the regeneration of damaged tissues begins. If this takes a longer time, we can conclude that the immune system is weak.

  • Various allergic reactions
  • Allergens are actually always in our environment: in the air - as airborne dust, in our food, in our cosmetics, in cleaning products and so on. How well our body is able to resist them also depends on the health of our immune system. If someone is allergic to many things, their body's defense system may not be strong enough.

  • Constant fatigue
  • Chronic, recurring or constant fatigue is a typical symptom of a weakened immune system. Of course, it is also important to clarify that our feeling of fatigue can be influenced by many things: mental or physical exertion, lack of sleep, weather fronts, our state of mind, pregnancy, taking certain medications or various illnesses. But if we are constantly or frequently tired for no apparent reason, it may indicate a weak immune system.

  • Digestive disorders
  • There are many reasons behind unpleasant digestive problems, from food allergies to reflux to various diseases. However, if we are struggling with recurring symptoms, such as diarrhea, constipation or bloating, it may also be a sign that our immune system is not working properly.

  • Dermatological complaints
  • Frequent skin changes, such as fungal infections, acne, recurring warts, or eczema, may also indicate a weak immune system.

    Immune system support with liposomes

    Supporting the immune system

    The immune system is usually subjected to serious stresses every day : such as improper nutrition , little sleep , stress, an irregular and sedentary lifestyle , and the millions of chemicals lurking in our environment . Despite all this, the immune system is capable of incredible things, as it defeats the many pathogens that bombard us daily, recognizes cells with faulty structures, which it then quickly removes, identifies substances that threaten our health, and does everything it can to neutralize them. But in order for the mechanism to function flawlessly, we also need to support it, otherwise it can easily become exhausted in the constant fight , which can result in illness .

    Let's not forget that we need to support our immune system not only in autumn and winter, but all year round , as we always need our body's line of defense to protect ourselves from pathogens and the infections and diseases they cause. We can effectively support the immune system with proper nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs and supplements that enhance immune functions and develop an appropriate immune response.

    If we eat a varied and healthy diet, that is, we eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, meat and dairy products, but we avoid fatty and sugary foods. However, a balanced diet is not always feasible, which is when various nutritional supplements come to our aid.

    The importance of nutritional intake: Choose liposomes!

    We make the right decision when we choose a liposomal dietary supplement. But why is liposomal technology so effective? With the help of this process, we enclose the active ingredients (vitamins, herbs) in liposomes, thus minimizing the loss due to decomposition during entry into the digestive system . When reaching the target cell, the liposome connects with the cell membrane, so the bioavailability is almost 100% . With the help of this technology, the burden on other organs, such as the liver, can be greatly reduced. By enclosing the active ingredients, the rate of unwanted side effects can be reduced , for greater effectiveness of the therapy. Thanks to the excellent utilization of liposomal vitamins, the dose can be reduced .

    So, by taking liposomal dietary supplements, we can provide our body with numerous nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which, thanks to the excellent liposomal technology, reach our body simply and effectively, as a supplement to a balanced and healthy diet, helping to maintain our health.

    However, it is important to emphasize that these products do not replace a healthy lifestyle and diet, but are recommended as a supplement to them.

    Important immune-boosting vitamins

    • Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for our body, playing an essential role in the proper functioning of the immune system. Although the officially recommended amount of the vitamin is still only 80 mg per day, if our body is currently weakened, it is worth taking a larger amount.

    • Vitamin D also plays an important role in preventing infections and diseases and in the functioning of the immune system, so it is recommended to supplement it as well.

    • Vitamin E is an essential antioxidant that supports the immune system.

    • Selenium also has an extremely positive effect on the immune system , helping both under- and overactive immune systems. It inhibits the ability of viruses to replicate themselves and supports the production of white blood cells.

    • Zinc is an immune-boosting mineral, as it increases the activity of white blood cells.

    Top tip: Strengthening the immune system starts in the intestines! Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, or aged cheeses support the intestinal flora, and thus the integrity of the immune system.

    Sufficient water consumption

    Water is the condition of life, the irreplaceable foundation of our body, it also makes up a significant part of the lymph fluid. If we do not drink enough fluids - the recommended daily fluid intake for adults is 2-2.5 liters -, the circulation of tissue fluids, the metabolism of cells, and thus the activity of all our organs, including the immune system, deteriorate. Don't let this happen! Drink filtered, clean water, non-carbonated mineral water, freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas!

    Getting enough sleep

    Restful sleep and immune health are closely linked. Disrupted sleep affects our mood, behavior, memory, and immune function; therefore, insufficient and poor-quality sleep increases the risk of illness and fatigue. An adult body needs 7 or more hours of sleep each night , while teenagers need 8–10 hours, and younger children and infants need 14 hours.

    Psychological effects and health

    Our mental state largely determines our physical health . That is why frequent apathy, stress, anxiety and depressive moods greatly impair the body's resistance and coping power . Long-term and high levels of stress paralyze the immune system, making us more exposed to the risk of diseases. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we strive not only to take care of our body, but also to achieve spiritual harmony . The more balanced we are psychologically, the more harmonious our human relationships, the better our physical health will be. Let's move enough, spend time outdoors, read, cook, play with our pets, have long conversations with our friends and find activities that mentally relax us and with which we can relieve everyday stress!

    Liposomal vitamin immune strengthening

    Liposomal vitamin for a strong immune system

    Liposomal Immunomin supports your body's defense system, your immune system, with extracts of several herbs. It is recommended for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu.

    The selected herbs in the Liposomal Immunomin immune-boosting dietary supplement help strengthen, develop and maintain your body's stability. The immune system is a complex system of cells, tissues, organs and proteins that protect the body against infections, viruses and bacteria. Immune system disorders can lead to immunodeficiency, allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases. Try the only capsule liposomal immune-boosting vitamin on the market! Our product is a partner in keeping your body's defense system stable and resistant!

    Use to support the functioning of the immune system and the body's resistance, for example during colds and flu. Use to prevent viral infections in conjunction with a proper diet and lifestyle. It is also recommended for the relief of immune system disorders and immunodeficiency symptoms.

    Valuable ingredients in one capsule:

    • Liposomal sea buckthorn extract
    • Korean ginseng extract
    • Seal wax mushroom extract
    • Chinese creeping magnolia extract
    • Dream berry extract
    • Baikal yarrow extract
    • Galangal extract
    • Licorice extract
    • Siberian ginseng extract
    • Zinc citrate
    • Black pepper extract
    • Liposomal curcumin from turmeric extract
    • Liposomal resveratrol from grape skin extract
    • Liposomal silymarin from milk thistle extract

    Liposomal lifestyle change package

    In addition to Liposomal Immunomin, our Lifestyle Change Package supports your body's health with 2 other great products.

    Liposomal Weight Factor dietary supplement can improve metabolism, reduce appetite and prolong the feeling of fullness, therefore, we recommend it in conjunction with a proper diet to support weight loss. Our Liposomal Gaba dietary supplement product, in addition to being an effective partner for our body in the fight against inflammation, also has many other positive physiological effects. It can improve our sleep, increase our attention and can also be effective against anxiety.

    Our body requires constant attention to ensure it functions perfectly in the long term. Take care of it every day!

    Choose liposomal vitamins available in allergen-free, vegan, recycled packaging! Order today and support the healthy functioning of your body with the help of Supreme Pharmatech!


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