Urinary tract problems? Protect your kidney function with liposomal vitamins!

After respiratory infections, urinary tract problems are among the most common diseases . Men are less likely to be affected, but 80% of women will experience a urinary tract infection, the so-called “ cold-like ” symptom complex, at least once in their lives . Many people are regularly and repeatedly tormented by the problem: they seem to have just recovered from the disease, but the complaints flare up again after a short time. In our article, we have collected the symptoms of urinary tract infections and urological diseases, their causes, natural treatments and the role of liposomal vitamins in protecting the urinary tract and kidney function.

Supporting kidney function with vitamins

Table of contents

Burning, stinging, pain: the most common symptoms of a urinary tract infection

Patients primarily visit the doctor with regular, spasmodic urges to urinate . Despite the urge, urine is not excreted at all or only in small amounts, accompanied by severe burning and stabbing pain . The urine may become cloudy and have a bad odor. In advanced stages, hematuria may also occur. If the infection is not limited to the bladder, but also affects the kidneys as an ascending inflammation, fever and weakness may also occur.

The most common urological disease is cystitis . This complaint is commonly called a cold , but is actually caused by pathogens that have entered the bladder. They are usually caused by bacteria , especially intestinal bacteria , of which E. coli is the most common, but the presence of Klebsiella, Enterobacter and Proteus species is not uncommon.

Risk of developing urinary tract infections

For most people with kidney and urinary tract diseases, it can be said that certain factors increase the risk of infections. Let's see what they are!

  • Weakened immune system: If the immune system is weakened, the risk of infections increases. Patients taking immunosuppressive medications are most at risk for urinary tract infections.
  • Menopause and old age: The inner layers of the urethra become thinner due to decreasing progesterone, making them more vulnerable. As a result, bacteria can more easily cause infections. If the urethra is narrowed for some reason or has stones in it, this can also contribute to the development of infection.
  • Chronic diseases, kidney transplant: In diabetes, the higher sugar content in the urine and the decreased immune system make you more susceptible to infections.
  • Urinary catheter: Any foreign object, such as a blood collection tube or urinary catheter, that is inserted into the human body increases the risk of infection. The longer the urinary catheter remains in the bladder, the greater the risk of infection.
  • Urinary tract stone: The stone narrows the urethra and continuously irritates its epithelial layer, increasing the risk of infection due to stagnant urine and damaged urethral walls.
  • Bladder emptying disorder: People whose bladder does not empty completely are at higher risk of developing urinary tract infections.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, hormonal balance changes, the immune system weakens, and the fetus places increased strain on the pelvis and the organs within it, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Female gender: Women are more prone to urinary tract infections because their urethra is shorter, which makes it easier for bacteria to enter their bladder and kidneys.
  • Childhood: Children like to play on the ground, sitting in the sand, where the risk of infection is high. If your child has a fever, the cause of which is unknown at first glance, you should think about a urinary tract infection.

Liposomal vitamin for a healthy urinary tract

The importance of kidney health

The kidney is one of the most important organs of excretion . It is responsible for removing waste products from the body's metabolism and regulating salt and water balance. It also has many other functions, such as producing substances that regulate blood pressure, trigger red blood cell production, and regulate calcium metabolism.

Where are the kidneys located? Our kidneys are located in the back of our abdominal cavity, outside our peritoneum, on either side of our lumbar spine, embedded in a thick layer of fat. Every person has two kidneys, which are of the same size and structure.

Since the kidneys " cleanse " the body of waste products produced during metabolism and ensure that minerals from food (the most important are sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus) remain in the body in adequate amounts, and the excess is excreted in the urine - it is very important to maintain their healthy function.

Symptoms of kidney and urinary tract diseases can vary, depending on the type of disease and which part of the organ system is affected. Therefore, general weakness, lower body pain, fever, frequent, uncontrollable or painful, possibly difficult and obstructed urination, as well as changes in the color, composition, and consistency of urine may also indicate a kidney or urinary tract disease.

Kidney-friendly diet

In order to maintain kidney health, it is recommended to regularly consume fresh vegetables and fruits , especially grapes, blueberries, apples, red bell peppers, spinach, beets, garlic and asparagus. It is also essential to minimize sugar intake and consume soy and gluten in moderation. This can reduce the number of inflammatory processes taking place in our body, which is essential for healthy kidney function.

Lifestyle tips for a healthy kidney and urinary tract

  • The importance of sleep for kidney function
  • An American study showed that women who sleep less than five hours a day are 65% more likely to suffer from kidney disease than those who sleep 7-8 hours a day. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a sleep routine, for example by going to bed at the same time every day. It is no longer recommended to drink caffeinated drinks in the late afternoon and evening, and to avoid bright light and the use of electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops before going to bed.

  • The importance of drinking enough water
  • Staying hydrated is key to healthy kidney function, which helps regulate blood pressure. Not drinking enough water can lead to high blood pressure, which can lead to a number of long-term health problems. Drinking at least two liters of water a day can be enough, but you should also limit your caffeine intake, as caffeine is dehydrating.

  • The importance of sport and exercise
  • A large amount of blood flows through the kidneys every day, so it is important to keep our blood circulation active, and one of the best ways to do this is through exercise.

    Keeping ourselves fit helps to reduce blood pressure and thus the risk of kidney diseases, such as chronic kidney failure. The principle of "moving for kidney health" is therefore a worldwide movement.

    Regular exercise strengthens and trains our heart, which helps keep our bodies healthy. At least 150 minutes of light to moderate intensity exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise, is recommended each week.

    More useful kidney-friendly tips

    • Don't hold it in, urinate regularly! Emptying your bladder regularly helps prevent infections and the formation of stones.

    • Pay attention to intimate hygiene! Thorough hygiene can help maintain a healthy urinary tract by reducing the number of bacteria.

    • Eat foods rich in vitamin C! Vitamin C can help maintain urinary tract health. Fresh fruits, vegetables, citrus fruits and berries (e.g. oranges, grapefruit, lemons, red fruits) are excellent sources of vitamin C.

    • Avoid smoking! Smoking slows down blood flow to the kidneys and can increase the risk of urinary tract infections and worsen existing problems.

    • Watch your weight! Maintaining an optimal body weight helps prevent diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions that can lead to chronic kidney failure.

    Mild kidney disease

    Liposomal vitamin for easy kidney function

    Our Liposomal Renalin dietary supplement, containing extracts of several herbs, is recommended to prevent the formation of kidney and urinary tract stones; its active ingredients can help them disintegrate and pass out of the body.

    Most people experience the unpleasant symptoms of urinary tract problems at least once in their lives, and many suffer from these infections regularly. That's why it's important to take care of your body's proper immunity! Try the only liposomal vitamin capsule on the market, developed for healthy kidney function and the prevention of urinary tract stones!

    It is recommended for kidney stones, urinary tract stones, decreased kidney function and kidney spasms. It is also recommended for slow blood flow, low urine output, and a lack of protective colloids and glucuronic acid in the urine.

    The valuable ingredients:

    • Watercress extract
    • Phyllanthus extract
    • Galangal extract
    • Asparagus extract
    • Bearberry (uva-ursi) extract
    • Dandelion extract
    • Horsetail extract
    • Black pepper extract
    • Liposomal ginger extract
    • Liposomal hesperidin from grapefruit extract
    • Liposomal quercetin from apple extract

    Why choose a liposomal dietary supplement?

    The liposomal production process used in laboratories involves encapsulating vitamins in small, spherical systems, typically 20-30 nanometers in size. This technology helps reduce the breakdown of vitamins when they enter the body and makes them more efficiently absorbed and utilized. The liposomal shell protects the active ingredients and helps cells absorb the active ingredients more easily, as both are surrounded by a similar membrane. Although the technology may seem new, doctors have been experimenting with creating stable formulas since the 1970s.

    Liposomal technology is now widely used in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. The growing demand is due to its efficiency and success. The advantage of this type of preparation is that vitamins and other active ingredients are better utilized and can therefore be more effective for the body.

    Advantages of liposomal technology

    Liposomes are able to deliver the active ingredient to different areas of the body in a targeted manner, making the therapy more effective. In addition, liposomes stabilize the active ingredients, so they do not break down easily and retain their effectiveness for a longer period of time. The use of liposomal technology may be safer compared to traditional therapies, as liposomes do not usually cause allergic reactions.

    Overall, liposomal technology offers significant advantages in terms of more targeted and efficient delivery of active ingredients, their stabilization, and reduction of unwanted side effects. It can also improve the success and safety of therapies.

    Choose the innovative solutions of liposomal technology available in allergen-free, vegan, recycled packaging courtesy of Supreme Pharmatech! Order today!






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